Monday, November 03, 2008

Blues Books: A New Series

I love to read. It feels weird even writing that, it probably goes without saying. At least I hope it shows that I try to do research on this music that we all love so much.

I've thought for some time now that I wanted to present my favorite books on the blues. I probably have too many books myself (can you have too many books?), but hey this is a chance for me to change it up a bit and offer more info on the blues.

So here goes! The first book that I want to present is Nothing But the Blues : The Music and the Musicians

Nothing But the Blues : The Music and the Musicians
Nothing But the Blues: The Music and the Musicians
Click to see Book

I think that editor Lawrence Cohn, a Grammy Award-winning blues producer, does a good job presenting the history of blues music. This book includes eleven essays that cover the roots of the blues, Texas and Southern blues, Gospel blues (my favorite) along with the urban blues, white country blues, the sixties blues revival, woman of the blues and modern blues are all covered here.

I like this book because it has many illustrations and also that it iscomprehensive. The 325 illustrations include Leadbelly's NYPD rap sheet. It also has recording contracts and rare historic photos of blues performers making music.

If you are a true fan who enjoys reading the perspective of different authors than you won't be disappointed with this book. Authors contributing to this book include David Evans, Mark A. Humphrey, Bruce Basti, Jim O'Neal, Richard K. Spottswood and Mary Katherine Aldin among others.

There are some limited editions of this book that contain a CD. If I have a criticism of this book it is that, like most books, it doesn't do a good job covering the up to date history of blues music. But then again, that is why we have blogs right.

Blues Books @SqueezeMyLemon

Blues Music Books

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