Saturday, July 11, 2009

Give me back my wig

What is it about certain songs that captures the imagination of many musicians. I know Give me Back my Wig as a Hound Dog Taylor boogie, a great party tune with a fantastic one-note guitar break that gets me every time. I took a look on YouTube and discovered that it has been performed by a lot of musicians.

Here's Hound Dog Taylor...

Here the Tejas Brothers start out with the Doug Salm classic She's about a Mover, and finish with Give me Back my Wig. Great accordion, eh? Bet you didn't think I could sneak any Tex/Mex into this post, did you!

Stevie Ray Vaughan

Time for a female perspective, no?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

STR will always be remember, unfortunately not as well as he should be.
He is truly underestimated as a guitarist and all round musician.
Kudos to the woman covering the song.