Elli seems to generate great affection from her fans me included - a particularly good article with lots of links is on R27, she is active on Twitter and has a personal website here
Elli says
Apologies if I already told you (admin isn't my strong suit), Songs Spun of Gold was recognized this year by the Grammys w/ 6 Pre-Noms.
All About Jazz - can't get much better than this (definitely worth reading the full review)
And come back Elli has! Her first CD, “Something STILL Cool,” became an overnight sensation with rave reviews. “Whatever the term means ... you know it when you hear it. And Elli Fordyce is cool! ... as implied in the title, once cool, always cool, vintage cool ... Ms. Fordyce has the spirit and voice of one of the blessed, the spirit and stamina of eternal song.” (Bob Gish, Jazz Improv-New York); “Fordyce's voice is lovely with strong command, a natural rhythmic touch and just a touch of a rough edge ... scatting with aplomb, she also shows a knack for the south-of-the-border sound .... a true showcase for a singer whom one wishes would have never had to give up singing for so long ... better late than never ... heartfelt version of “Something Cool” ... doesn't sing by rote, and her vocal ideas are full of imagination and personality, but neither does she detract from the beauty of the melody ... it is clear that Elli Fordyce knows ... the real meaning of 'cool.'”

Ron, thank you so much for this incredible post. Really great to log on to on Twitter this morning!
the pleasure is all ours!
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