Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Blues and Politics: The Lee Atwater Story

Red Hot & Blue: Lee Atwater & Friends
Red Hot & Blue: Lee Atwater & Friends
Click image for info @Amazon.com

I am a student of the blues becasue the blues is life, I really believe this. The blues is history, if you want to understand American history, take a look at the blues. Take a look at the peopele who listen to the blues, who play the blues, and the themes of the music. And I believe that you will learn a lot about history and politics.

Consider Lee Atwater, a man who some say was a blues musician. He played with noted bluesmen like B.B. King

The new PBS Frontline edition titled boogie man: the Lee Atwater Story paints him as a guy like Robert Johnson, a man who sold his soul to the devil. And if it is to be believed I would say that he lived the blues too.

Bad Boy: The Life And Politics Of Lee Atwater
Bad Boy: The Life And Politics Of Lee Atwater

According to Frontline, this story is of;
The rise and fall of the charming, Machiavellian godfather of modern take-no-prisoners Rebublican political campaigns.


Anonymous said...


To stir up innuendo and false rumors has to be
Upon the fateful road of life a shameful legacy;
A road which hastens unto death allowing no return--
Therefore the ways iniquitous the best of men do spurn.

It may be second best, at least, if one comes to repent,
Regretting heinous harms for which he was not innocent,
But it is not unique among the human legacies
Since immemorial time to label slander a disease.

He called himself a good man did George Herbert Walker Bush,
Leading unwary souls to cliffside, giving them a push,
And even so considers himself a good man today--
But from the mirror both he and his dear Barbara look away.


fitzgerald said...

imsmall, thanks so much for your comment. I agree for the most part with what you said, but I want to bring it back to the blues.

A big part of the blues is about redemption and forgiveness. The bluesmen remind us not to judge, because we will all be judged and for the most part will come up short.

A dollar too little and day too short ...